Electronic Entomology


symbol for piezo symbol for schmitt symbol for cicada symbol for bonsai

Name: gentle_engine
Family: symbol for piezopiezo
Species: symbol for schmittschmitt
Traits: symbol for cicadacicada
Style: symbol for bonsaibonsai
Habitat: mild sun
Birth: 2015 Baltimore MD
Resident: Baltimore MD

gentle engine is a iteration of bluewhale circuit. With an addition of another oscillator mixing, it created granular but rhythmical sound. They resemble an idling engine when it gets a gentle light. With full sun, the voice becomes rhythmical and higher pitched cry.

gentle_engine was constructed from upside down the chip. Parts are soldered upwards as if they were growing out of them. Treating the arrangements of parts like a flower arrangements, gentle_engine is classified with style of bonsai



Schimatic of gentle_engine