Electronic Entomology

symbol for projector


This traits of bug possess an organ that allows them to reflect sunlight. Often these organs are made of reflecting film. Some of these reflector organ moves and creates patterns on walls, floor, ceilings and things around them. This organ gives these beings expanded footprints and expressions in our lives beyond the stationary impressions.

  • furin_gate symbol for piezo symbol for schmitt symbol for projector

    photograph of furin_gate piezo-schmitt-projector
    style: bonsai symbol for bonsai
    • group: wind symbol for wind

  • rover_R symbol for motor symbol for fled symbol for projector

    photograph of rover_R motor-fled-projector
    • group: musicbox symbol for musicbox

  • rover_Will symbol for motor symbol for fled symbol for projector

    photograph of rover_Will motor-fled-projector
    • group: musicbox symbol for musicbox